
‘Spark Joy, An Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Art of Tidying’, by Marie Kondo | Vanguard Book Club for Personal Development

Date 2023-01-18-2023-01-18
Location91 Commercial Rd. Teneriffe, QLD

Not a Meetup.com user? Email me with the subject line: “Spark Joy Book Club Attendance” to register.

[Note: In-person attendee numbers are strictly limited, so message me on Meetup! Otherwise, join us on Zoom 🙂]

Have you, like many others, pledged to tidy up in the new year? Great! Then you should definitely join us for our first book club meeting for 2023! Our book for January is “Spark Joy”, by Marie Kondo, the bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’. This is a chance to report on our tidying successes as well as discuss our personal tidying strategies going forward 😎.

@mariekondo on instagram

This meeting will be facilitated by a full-time Life Coach (yours truly) and former university educator with over a decade of international experience in facilitating discussions across groups from various cultural backgrounds and beliefs. We value inclusivity and insist on respectful discussion.

From the book jacket:

When You surround yourself with possessions that spark joy, you’ll create a home and life you love.

The secret to Marie Kondo’s internationally renowned KonMari tidying method is to focus on what you want to keep, not what you want to get rid of. Spark Joy is an in-depth, illustrated, room-by-room guide to decluttering and organising your home. It covers every room in the house from bedrooms and kitchens to bathrooms and living rooms as well as a wide range of items in different categories, including clothes, shoes, photographs, books, cutlery, cosmetics and valuables. Illustrations throughout explain how to fold clothes using Ms. Kondo’s unique folding method as well as organise drawers, wardrobes and cabinets. This is a unique and inspiring guide that will not just transform your home but also change your life.

At this meetup, we will discuss our relationships with clutter and challenges we’ve faced in our efforts to cultivate nurturing living spaces. And, as usual, if you don’t get a chance to read the book, you are still encouraged to attend!

Looking forward to seeing everyone 😁

Time/Date: Wednesday, 18 January – 6-8pm (doors open from 5:30)
Location: 91 Commercial Rd. Teneriffe, QLD.

  • On-street parking*
  • Close to public transport
    (5 min. walk from Teneriffe ferry; Closest buses – 393 & 470)
  • Tea/coffee facilities
  • Ground floor entrance
  • Automatic door not opening? Call me at 0491101424 🙂

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask!

*On-site parking is reserved for other businesses in the building.

Learn more about our book club by watching the video at bit.ly/LeslieVBookClub


Location Map